Whole Cloth: A Poem Cycle Poetry Jan 1 Written By Tori Grant Welhouse “The suspense of a mystery novel with the excitement of a travel adventure.” — Alice D'Alessio “Hess’s language is low-key and conversational, and she keeps herself in the poems as well. We see the researcher/poet searching, recovering a signature, dreaming secret lives for these characters, and finally, writing their stories.” — Sarah Busse Reviewsmadison.comVerse Wisconsin Buy on Amazon Tori Grant Welhouse https://www.torigrantwelhouse.com
Whole Cloth: A Poem Cycle Poetry Jan 1 Written By Tori Grant Welhouse “The suspense of a mystery novel with the excitement of a travel adventure.” — Alice D'Alessio “Hess’s language is low-key and conversational, and she keeps herself in the poems as well. We see the researcher/poet searching, recovering a signature, dreaming secret lives for these characters, and finally, writing their stories.” — Sarah Busse Reviewsmadison.comVerse Wisconsin Buy on Amazon Tori Grant Welhouse https://www.torigrantwelhouse.com